Mainframe z/VM Admin

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Short Description:
  • Should have on in-depth knowledge of the use of CMS, REXX and Pipes.
  • Expertise in technologies that mitigate risk such as RACF, encryption, disaster recovery and high availability
  • Experience configuring z/VM for Linux on IBM z Systems
  • Excellent analytical, decision-making, problem-solving, team, and time management skills
  • Creating and maintaining USER DIRECTORY .
  • Applying maintenance, migration , upgrades

Detailed Job description:
  • z/VM (Virtual Machine) Mainframe projects. The implementation plan should include: Detailed steps and requirements to successfully implement OS’s, software or hardware upgrades or installations to the z/VM mainframe platform. Timelines and milestones related to the required steps for implementation or upgrade of IBM mainframe platform to meet government established project deadlines.
  • Use required software tools, including Conversational Monitor System (CMS), Control Program (CP), XEDIT (visual editor for VM), and appropriate system utilities to define, create, populate, update and configure required datasets, files and parameter libraries and members to successfully implement software installations and upgrades on the IBM z/VM mainframe or server platform. This includes planning, defining, and implementing virtual devices, Central Processing Unit (CPU’s), memory, storage and components required for a successful implementation or upgrade of the z/VM mainframe platform.
  • Plan, coordinate, document and perform Initial Program Load (IPL) of z/VM environments.
  • Plan, determine requirements, define, document and successfully create z/VM guests and/or z/VM hypervisors on an IBM mainframe platform.
  • Create and deliver detailed installation/upgrade documentation, using government specified software and processes and formats. This documentation shall include detailed dataset/file names, configuration parameters, and installation/upgrade procedures used to install/upgrade the z/VM OS, software or hardware.
  • Use IBM Virtual Machine Serviceability Enhancements Staged/Extended (VMSES/E) or the appropriate tools to successfully receive and apply z/VM OS software and other related software on an IBM Mainframe. This includes interpreting installation tool output messages to resolve software installation issues and requirements.
  • Ability to upgrade and maintain z/VM using VMSES

  • Create, define and manage file systems and catalogs on the IBM z/VM Mainframe platform. This includes using CMS to format DASD storage and make it available on the z/VM mainframe platform.
  • Diagnose and resolve IBM z/VM system abends and abnormal operating environment problems using system logs, and other available logs and documents. This includes creating and interpreting system traces and dumps, job output, and monitoring tools.
  • Create, populate, secure and troubleshoot IBM z/VM file systems and mount points.
  • Create/update and debug z/VM OS parameters using government approved processes, procedures and requirements.
  • Plan and create accurate, detailed documentation for IBM z/VM mainframe platform software/hardware installation/upgrades.
  • Use IBM z/VM mainframe job processing to analyze and debug batch processing issues. This includes an understanding of dispatching priorities and IBM z/VM mainframe security products and standard IBM mainframe software integration.
  • Use IBM z/VM mainframe communications products, including VTAM, and TCP/IP, FTP.
  • Define, create, update security rules, and manage z/VM security using government approved z/VM security product packages. This includes VMSecure (Computer Associates Virtual Machine security product) and Resource Access Control Facility (RACF) for VM.
  • Perform Security Technical Implementation Guide (STIG). Determine, coordinate, schedule, and implement security changes on the z/VM platform to conform to DoD STIG or other government mandated security requirements.
  • Use knowledge of storage management tools and techniques including NetBackup, DFHSM, ADRDSSU, SMS and virtual tape systems to perform installation, upgrade and debugging of IBM z/VM platform issues.
  • Install/administer z/VM related ISV products (e.g. CA-VM:Manager)
  • Secondary emphasis is on VMSecure/RACF administration, performance/capacity tuning & reporting.
  • Ability to provision virtual machines by manipulating VM directory and/or using tools such as VM:Secure/DirMaint

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